All the cool kids are posting pix of their drafting table, so I'm excited to jump on the bandwagon:
My trusty CD player and the downtown library's collection of audiobooks have been getting me through many a grueling night of painstaking work. Many thanks to Al Franken and Ann Coulter for all the laughs! Page 7 of the comic is currently in process there, as you'll notice.
This is another page from the comic. 37 panels... no, not joking, though at this point, I'm pretty sure that I wish I was. As a preemptive response to anybody who inevitably attempts to draw any comparisons between my chosen method of storytelling and that of that "Chris Ware" hack: shutup. I can draw small if I feel like it. I hate you.
Sadly, due to unforseen circumstances, there will be no Nathan Pretzelberger strips in the first or second issues of the District, though after that, with the blessing of the dear lord god and a little luck, the strips will run uninterrupted until the end of the quarter. In addition to schoolwork, I'll have to make 8 (or so?) Pretzelberger strips and tone all 8 pages of the comic this quarter... it'll be an interesting challenge. I expect to run on very little sleep this quarter, so, to all my classmates at SCAD: If you say hi to me and I punch you in the nose, just remember that it is your own fault. You jerk.
And one last thing:
Thanks to my parents for their generous birthday gift ( not to mention the wonderful Stephanie, faithful friend and my insider at Circuit City :D )
The inks are looking good (from what I can tell... take closer pictures!). Glad to see you've not been entirely seduced by digital inks just yet. What's the theme this year?
And the politely cursive "oh hell yes" was a nice touch.
i'm also a sequential art scad student.
i also have that same drawing table, and i just got a tablet as well. unfortunately i got it from ebay and it doesn't have a USB cable but some weird shit i can't identify. i want to use it soooo bad!
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