Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Girl in the 419

Logo image design for The Girl in the Glass City. Residents of Toledo and the surrounding area should follow her on Facebook here to keep up with events and things to do in the city!

Some cool usage here (click images to enlarge). Seeing your work in print or on the web is one thing; seeing it on a billboard is another entirely. Still gives me a pretty cool feeling when I drive by.

Friday, April 08, 2011

Charlie Sheen

Quick retail-style sketch of Charlie Sheen, by far the most beloved wife-abusing drug addict in America. Markette and Art Stix.

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Blaggie Awards

This job for the April 1st issue of Newcity had a 24 hour turnaround, and given the time constraints, I'm mostly satisfied with the results. Not having time to get away from my work for a while, then come back and reassess it in a more objective frame of mind is a challenge, particularly with (non-retail, obviously) caricatures, but I think everybody's favorite disgraced Illinois governor turned out well!

Any readers in Chicago? I'd love to get a photo of the print version if you've got a copy.

Monday, April 04, 2011

Emperor in Stone, Ruler in Disguise

The Barn Owl, also known as the Ghost Owl, also known as the Death Owl, also known as the Hobgoblin Owl, also known as the Monkey-Faced Owl is such a strange, sublime-looking creature to me. It's one of those animals that I look at and feel almost has to be evidence of intelligent design, somehow.
